High-Performance Complex Event Processing over Streams

Abstract. The rising demands and increasing number of RFID applications for monitoring and tracking purposes invoke the need of their system performance improvement. Many languages for stream processing lack support for large slid-ing windows and lack constructs to address non-occurrences of events [2]. SASE can execute complex event queries over real time stream of RFID read-ing. With SASE, it is possible to handle 40,000 events per second for a highly complex query and support large sliding windows. Moreover, SASE is fast to implement. And, it can query filter and correlate events to match given patterns. It transforms the matched events to meaningful events for further uses. This pa-per gives an introduction to SASE, presents the experimental results based on [2], and describes the limitations of SASE.

High-Performance-Complex-Event-Processing-over-Streams (pdf, 604 KB)

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